8 sept. 2019

Florent GBEDO

“And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42

Here is a breathtaking and symptomatic story of what is happening to contemporary Christians. Indeed during a visit Jesus paid to Marie and her sister Martha, one could see that Martha was busy with many activities as is often the case with Christians. This sounds quite normal, should we, for a little while, put ourselves in Martha’s shoes: Jesus is about to pay us a visit, it is obvious we want to be ready, we want everywhere clean, we want to have drinks and food at hand in case Jesus may feel hungry or thirsty. There are things we need to get ready. However, when Martha called Jesus’ attention to the fact that she was receiving no support from her sister, Jesus answered that only one thing was needed and that Marie had chosen the good part.

Marie epitomizes in this text Christians of our time. We are so much overwhelmed with superfluous activities that we actually forget what is really needed, that good part. We have fallen in devil’s trap as he willfully pushes us in a rampant materialistic race. Of course there are things that need to be done in the course of the day; for example we should go to work, take care of our family, etc. Our daily to-do-list is so much loaded that we sometimes forget to do what is needed, which is listen to and speak to God. Many fail to drop a line in their to-do-list to sit by Jesus’ feet, listen to his words, spend time in his presence, stay still in and with him. In such circumstances, we should not be surprised of the failures that befall many.

If it is true that we cannot allow ourselves every day all day long to be sitting with God, talking to him, praying him and listening to him, it is also true that for a strong relationship with him, we should not overlook the need for us to put him before every other thing by serving him wholeheartedly. That is why Jesus recommended: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”

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© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved

© 2025 Root of Hope. All rights reserved